By Arlene Mejia

Coconut Oil – What Is It And What Are It’s Benefits

Among all existing oils, coconut oil has been the one that has attracted the most attention, due to its uses, benefits, and that its components are healthier for our health.

Coconut oil is uniquely extracted from the fleshy part of the coconut, which is generally referred to as the “grain” of the coconut.

There are a variety of methods in which this can be extracted, and it is for this reason that you will find different types of oils available when buying. Among these types of oil we can highlight two:

*Refined oils.

*Unrefined oils.

Coconut Oil – Features

healthy oils

Coconut oil is also an excellent recommendation for cooking. In general (room temperature) it is solid, since the melting point is 76 degrees F. This makes it a great option for skin care or cooking.

This is a saturated fatty acid (medium chain), this means that fatty acid chains usually have between 6 and 12 carbons in length.

A good percentage of the other natural fats we consume are long chain. This means that the composition of fatty acids is what makes this oil something exceptional, since it makes it a nutritional source with properties that are totally different from other types of fat we consume.

Research that has been done on medium chain fatty acids has shown that these can provide some energy boost. This energy goes to the liver, where it burns (it is not processed or stored in the body, like other types of fats).

The result of these investigations has also shown that these acids have the ability to stimulate metabolism, increase endurance, yield, and preserve insulin.

One of these fatty acids belonging to the medium chain and found in coconut oil, is luric acid. It contains properties that are antimicrobial.

This oil has other tricks up its sleeve, such as reducing inflammation, improving our immune function (of course, when consumed on a regular basis). It has also been proven that as a treatment, it is effective for some types of acne and other skin issues.

There is evidence to suggest that coconut oil can help improve cognitive function (this applies to those suffering from a memory disorder, such as Alzheimer’s).


healthy cooking oils

1. Maintains Good Cholesterol

It is proven that coconut oil helps to raise the level of healthy cholesterol in a unique way.

2. Benefits Sugar and Diabetes

It has the ability to reduce body obesity levels. It helps fight insulin resistance, inconveniences that regularly lead to type two diabetes.

3. Fight Alzheimer’s

The oil contains the MCFA component. This causes a generation of ketones by the liver, and in turn, helps repair the brain function in patients with Alzheimer’s.

4. Helps stop heart disease and high blood pressure

Coconut oil is rich in saturated fats, this helps in increasing good cholesterol (HDL). As a result, it can prevent certain heart conditions, and has the ability to lower high triglycerides.

In addition, it performs a primary action in our hearts: it helps convert bad cholesterol into good.

5. Liver Health

It has the ability to protect against liver damage and also fights urinary tract infections.

6. Increase Energy

Unrefined coconut oil helps increase endurance and energy, mainly due to the MCFA component that goes to the liver, which in turn allows the conversion into energy.

7. Help With Digestion

Another great benefit of this oil is that it assists with the digestion of food. It helps the body to incorporate fat soluble components (such as vitamins and magnesium).

It also has the ability to eliminate toxic bacteria and candida, which in turn fights poor digestion and inflames the stomach. This helps in the prevention of stomach ulcers.

8. Acts As An Ointment For Wounds And Burns

Furthermore, coconut has the ability to treat skin issues, primarily wounds, dermatitis, and burns. It is also generally used as a sunscreen and as a skin moisturizer. This is thanks to the fatty acids found in unrefined coconut oil (acaprilic and lauric) and its antioxidant component, which are mixed to achieve a reduction of inflammations under the skin and a better cure.

9. Has Anti-Aging Components

The oil extracted from coconut is known to slow down the aging process, as it is rich in antioxidants. It usually helps stop the stress that builds up in the liver.

10. Help Lose Weight

This oil can help us lose weight, since it behaves like a fat and calorie burner, especially when they are doses of the unrefined oil.

It also has the effect of suppressing appetite. There is a study that shows that capric acid that contains coconut oil assists in increasing thyroid performance. This causes our heart rate to decrease, entering the body at rest, and helping to burn fat to increase our energies.

Nutrition Facts

coconut oils

In conclusion, this nutritional breakdown of the oil is based on a tablespoon:

*120 calories.

*0 grams of protein

*0 milligrams (mg) of cholesterol.

*14 grams of fat (12 = saturated fat; 1 = monounsaturated fat; and 0.5 grams of polyunsaturated fats.)

Furthermore, as for components, coconut oils regularly differ in composition and in the benefits they offer for health.

Finally, nutritionists do not consider hydrogenated coconut oil to be good for health, since it is similar to other oils that are processed and contain trans fats.

However, “virgin” coconut oil originates from the coconut fruit component, and this is extracted without the use of chemicals or other similar things. For this reason, nutritionists consider and recommend the use of virgin coconut oil.