By Arlene Mejia

Coconut Oil for Breastfeeding

Life is filled with important stages in a woman’s life but I haven’t come across one that has not deemed motherhood as the most important of them all. You get to participate in the miracle of creating a mini human. It’s hard at moments no to feel like you have magical powers and being a super hero seems like second nature to you.

Within motherhood there is no greater gift that you can give your child than to breastfeed

You give your child a healthier immune system, lower the risk of infections, lower the risk of asthma and allergies, strengthen mother child bond and your child’s sense of security.

On your end for being such a good mommy you get accelerated weight loss, quicker normalization of uterus size and post-partum bleeding, save over USD $5,000.00 on baby formula a year and avoid sick days and hospital bills. Since it has been proven that your super breastfed baby will stay healthier than bottle fed children and keep away from the E.R.

So what is left for a super mommy to do? Obviously you need to get a HUGE jar of coconut oil, and here is why.

Breastfeeding – It Protects Your Bones


The human body is an amazing thing. Especially when it comes down to taking care of our little ones. When a pregnant or nursing mother is deficient in calcium the body will give priority to the child in formation or in need of sustenance.

This means that it will absorb the maternal bone to get necessary calcium for baby. Coconut oil has been proven to decrease oxidative stress in osteoporotic bone. Due to its high polyphenol content it is also a potent antioxidant that prevents bone loss.

Keeping your bones as healthy as possible before, during and after pregnancy is a must. Coconut oil is a great aid along with a balanced diet to help you do so.

Breastfeeding – Great Source of Quality Energy


Although some studies have proven that lactation ( doesn’t significantly increase basal metabolic rate any mother of a new born. Especially one that’s breastfeeding will tell you that they could use A LOT more energy.

Coconut oil is considered a great beneficial source of energy in several internal and external aspects. The MCTs (Medium Chain Triglycerides) are absorbed immediately speeding up the response to it’s consumption without the storing of those extra pounds. Add it to your morning shakes or green juices to add a creamy punchy of flavor.

Coconut Oil for Breastfeeding – It Increase Nutrient Absorption


Get more bang for your buck! Did you know that even if you eat all your fruits and vegetables you might not be absorbing all those vital vitamins and minerals?.

Coconut oil not only increases the utilization of liposoluble vitamins like Vit A, D, K and E, but thanks to the MCTs minerals like magnesium and calcium extremely important to protect your bones are better absorbed from the foods you eat or the supplements you take.

A study conducted by the Division of Nutritional Sciences at University of Illinois concluded that coconut oil enhanced tissue uptake of tomato carotenoids to a greater degree than safflower oil.

These results may be due to the large amount of medium chain fatty acids contained in coconut oil, which in some way could have caused a change in the flow of cholesterol to favor extrahepatic.

Nipple S.O.S

coconut oil

Turns out coconut oil is good inside and out. When you are pushing through the woes of sore nipples and wounds due to the tight latch of your milk loving tote you will find a friend indeed in this miracle oil.

Nipples can be extremely hurt and even split open while nursing. It is important to make sure you are using a proper latching technique, ensure your baby doesn’t have tongue tie (tight frenulum; membrane under the tongue) and discard any local infections.

Now if the damage is already done applying coconut oil to the wound has been proven to speed up healing and lessen pain. An added plus is the antibacterial properties of the oil that will prevent complication of the wound by infection.

For a beginner nursing can be painful but nursing with a nipple wound is comparable to laying on a red ant pile covered in honey. Prevent nipple sores by lubricating with coconut oil, the oil is even good for baby. 

Better Quality Breast Milk

Breast Milk

Breast milk is already a superfood in and of itself. No other food is more recommended for your baby. If you are on the fence about it please do take the leap, your baby will thank you later.

A perfect balance of good fats, protein and carbs it is also an oral vaccine that protects your baby from viruses, fungal infections and bacteria.

Coconut oil will help you be healthier by increasing your absorption of vitamins. This will keep you in better shape but will also ensure you milk which is jam packed of immune boosting properties gets even more MCTs.

These are lauric, caprylic and capric acid. Though some studies have shown that keeping a healthy diet is more useful at conserving the mother’s health, and not actually improving the quality of breast milk. 

Studies have shown that the mother’s diet does influence the type of fats in her milk. A tablespoon of Coconut oil a day will increase the amount of MCTs in your breast milk. This will give a higher dose of these beneficial fats to your baby.

You’ve already taken a step in the right direction by breastfeeding. Make this experience as gratifying and pleasant as it can be by taking advantage of all the benefits coconut oil has for you.